
Hi! I am Soheun Yi, a first-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University.

My research interest spans different fields firmly connected to theoretical machine learning: high-dimensional statistics, optimization theory, and causality.

During my undergraduate, I was fortunate to be advised by Professor Ernest K. Ryu and Sanghack Lee. I was also a a quantitative analyst in Hyperithm, where I built a solid background in data analysis, especially in processing and analyzing large datasets.

My CV is here.


Contact me via email: soheuny [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu


  • 2024.06. A paper entitled “Convergence Analyses of Davis-Yin Splitting via Scaled Relative Graphs” has been accepted to SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT).
  • 2024.01. A paper entitled “Filter, Rank, and Prune: Learning Linear Cyclic Gaussian Graphical Models” has been accepted in AISTATS 2024.